
Alison Gibb new World Jersey Cattle Bureau President

JerseyNZ is delighted to announce to members the election of Alison Gibb as President of the World Jersey Cattle Bureau, and extends to Alison our warmest congratulations on this new international role.

Alison, husband Russell and daughter Natalie Dyson farm at Taupiri in the Waikato. Alison served on the JerseyNZ Board from 2016 – 2023 and as President of JerseyNZ from 2016 – 2021. She has been attending WJCB trips since 2008, serving as Treasurer and most recently Oceania Vice-President. Alison has been a determined and dedicated champion of the Jersey breed in her own farming business, locally, nationally and internationally and was recently awarded the Cyril Dermer Cup in recognition of outstanding service to the breed and the Association at the JerseyNZ Annual Conference. She replaces Steve Le Feuvre as President following his retirement from the position.

Several JerseyNZ members have been enjoying the WJCB Conference in Denmark recently which concluded at the weekend. Delegates enjoyed several herd visits and a visit to Viking Genetics, several breed and sustainability presentations and the WJCB meetings along with plenty of scenic and local activities.