Board Announcement
Jersey NZ is pleased to announce that Alison Gibb of Zenith Jerseys, Orini, has been re-elected for a further term as President of Jersey NZ. Alison was recently returned to the Board as an elected Director, having previously been an appointed Director. Barry Montgomery of Rivermere Jerseys, Dargaville, has been elected as Vice President. Tony Landers was returned as an appointed Director for a one year term.
We farewell Steve Ireland who has retired from the Board, and who was awarded Distinguished Member Award at this years Conference.
Jersey NZ is also delighted to announce that Julie Pirie of Pirie Farms Ltd, Thames, is the new appointed Director, and will serve a two year term. Julie has been involved in the dairy industry all her life, and her family have been for many generations.

Julie’s career following university was as a Consulting Officer. Married to Brian, she lives in Ngatea where they own 400 ha. They have two children – Celine and Ella. Five full-time staff manage the farms 850 cows, which include 280 registered jerseys. They also rear all replacements, and 70 jersey bulls, which are grazed at a nearby support block. She is also Chair of the Donald Pearson Farm, gifted to NZ Young Farmers, this farm will milk 80 jersey cows along with 50 of the original milking shorthorns. With an industry good background it’s not surprising that Julie promotes the dairy industry whenever possible. Developing an interest in pedigree jersey cattle is a recent progression on this, and the herd continues to get more ‘golden’. Julie is a member of the Fonterra Shareholders Council.
She has been a member of all committees and chaired the Co-operative Culture committee. She has also been on the NZ Dairy Industry Awards Trust. Julie’s passion is dairy farming, and she is enjoying encouraging young people into dairy farming, promoting the industry and continuing to take an innovative approach to challenges around environment, and sustainability in dairy farming. She is looking forward to working with the Jersey NZ board and members to encourage more New Zealand farmers to milk jersey cows.
President – Alison Gibb
Vice President – Barry Montgomery
Elected Director – Peter Gilbert
Elected Director – Glenys Ellison
Appointed Director – Tony Landers
Appointed Director – Julie Pirie
Committees and Convenors for the 2019/20 year (full Committees will be updated as confirmed)
Industry Affairs – Roger Ellison
Genetics – Steve Ireland
Judging & Classification – Barry Montgomery & Peter Gilbert (Co-Convenors)
Youth – Julie Pirie
Promotions – Colin Hickey & Pam Goodin (Co-Convenors)
Audit & Risk – Glenys Ellison
Annual Conference – Marian Wallace