
Farm Signs

Jersey New Zealand is offering a single sided Jersey New Zealand sign on aluminium for fixing to fences, sheds or your own frame for display.


Cost $300 + GST and freight (freight will be by courier)
Size 750 x 750 with rounded corners
Material 2mm white aluminium with 3 holes drilled

Computer cut text, being:-

520 x 300 Jersey New Zealand logo
Herd Name
Own Name (if required)
Single Sided

As Jersey New Zealand is ordering the signs on behalf of members, the finished product is both non-returnable and non-refundable. Normal payment conditions apply and the cost will be charged to your Jersey New Zealand account (payment due 20th of the month). While no guarantee is given, the aluminium sign is rust free – please note, we recommend you use stainless steel coach screws and washers.We also recommend it be cited out of the reach of cattle, as licking or rubbing may damage the sign.