What is JerseyGenome™
- A joint venture to identify potential bull mothers for Jersey New Zealand & CRV AmBreed
- To generate sires that will enhance the future of the Jersey Breed
- Marrying of technologies (Breeding and Science).
How to nominate your animal
Nominating your animals is a simple process, see the steps below
1. Complete the animal nomination form (this must accompany each DNA sample)
2. Take a wet tissue sample and ensure each DNA sample corresponds with the barcode on the side of each unit
3. Place samples in a zip lock bag before placing in an envelope
4. Post to JerseyNZ, PO Box 1132, Hamilton 3240 or courier to JerseyNZ, 290 Tristram Street, Hamilton 3204
Samples must reach the JerseyNZ office by Friday, 10th January 2025
How does JerseyGenome™ work?
Identification Process
There are four main areas that we identify and select animals from, they are as follows:
- Nominations from breeders
- Female progeny from the two testing year groups of the programme
- CRV and JerseyNZ work collaboratively to identify females from a CRV data request
- JerseyNZ run a top cow report to identify any animals not captured from the above
Members are asked to send DNA samples of any animals identified above to JerseyNZ who subsequently send those to Genomnz for DNA testing. This cost is covered by CRV.
- Genomic results are sent to the JerseyGenome™ Working Group and subsequently vote on each animal
- Final team is compiled
- Breeders are notified if their animal(s) are successful or unsuccessful, along with their genomic results (free of charge)
Mating sire recommendations and mating agreements
- Current and previous year’s teams are sent sire recommendations. These are complementary matings for production performance, management and type traits. Genetic variance is used to minimise inbreeding levels in the resulting progeny.
- Along with each recommendation, members are sent an expected progeny report free of charge
- Sire recommendations are flexible, and each breeder has the opportunity to discuss alternatives
- Once confirmed, CRV will supply semen to you for each mating at CRV’s cost, along with any delivery fees. All insemination costs are to be covered by the breeder
- Members are to return the signed mating agreement sent from JerseyNZ
- Members notify JerseyNZ of any resulting progeny from contract matings
- Female progeny are automatically put forward to the JerseyGenome™ programme and male progeny are forwarded to CRV for consideration
- All progeny are registered with ‘JG’ after their name and these registrations are free of charge
- Members are asked to send DNA samples of all progeny to JerseyNZ
Heifers in the appropriate graduating team must meet certain criteria in order to graduate, these criteria are as follows:
- Recorded in calf on national database and confirmed by owner
- Heifers have completed a minimum of four herd tests
- Minimum score of six (6) for Udder Overall
- Minimum score of six (6) for Dairy Conformation
Merit Graduate
- Recorded in calf on national database and confirmed by owner
- Heifers have completed a minimum of four herd tests
- Minimum score of six (6) for Udder Overall
- Minimum score of seven (7) for Dairy Conformation
- NZMI in the top 25% of the JG Graduate contemporaries
Elite Graduate
- Recorded in calf on national database and confirmed by owner
- Heifers have completed a minimum of four herd tests
- Minimum score of seven (7) for Udder Overall
- Minimum score of seven (7) for Dairy Conformation
- NZMI in the top 1% for both NZMI and BW for all Jersey 2-year-olds milked in NZ
- Minimum of J16
Performance Award
An award to one heifer. This heifer must meet the graduate criteria and have the largest lift from her ancestry NZMI to NZMI post 4 herd tests.
This award is to acknowledge the heifer who performs well above her expectations, this may not be the highest indexing heifer and gives the heifers with low ancestral (parent averages) starting points an opportunity for an award. Often these heifers are less related to the more common bloodline.
- Recorded in calf on national database and confirmed by owner
- Heifers have completed a minimum of four herd tests
- Minimum score of six (6) for Udder Overall
- Minimum score of six (6) for Dairy Conformation
- The highest NZMI increase from ancestry to completion of her first season
JerseyGenome™ Teams
Below you will find a list of the animals in each team from 2022. If you wish to nominate an animal for the 2025 Team, please click on this year below for instructions.
2023 Team (2022-born)
Matings – 2023 and 2024
Calvings – 2024 and 2025
Graduation – 2025
The 2023 Team have received sire recommendations and mating agreements. Females and males from these matings will automatically be put forward for the JerseyGenome™ programme or CRV bull selection. These animals will graduate in 2025.
ID | Animal name | Owner |
BKGC-22-108 | Gralyn 22-108 | Gralyn Farm No 1 |
BKGC-22-32 | Gralyn 22-32 | Gralyn Farm No 1 |
BKGC-22-64 | Gralyn 22-64 | Gralyn Farm No 1 |
BKGC-22-72 | Gralyn 22-72 | Gralyn Farm No 1 |
BWPC-22-14 | Glen Elgin 22-14 | Keoghan Farm Limited |
BWPC-22-23 | Glen Elgin 22-23 | Keoghan Farm Limited |
BWPC-22-49 | Glen Elgin 22-49 | Keoghan Farm Limited |
CGCR-22-10 | Puriri Titus Cayley | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-110 | Puriri Kirkwood Joy JG | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-117 | Puriri Trigger Di | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-119 | Puriri Oganeev Sadie | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-14 | Puriri Nucleus Sassy ET | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-143 | Puriri Nucleus Banjo JG | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-23 | Puriri Linden Republic | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-24 | Puriri Brisbane Sakura | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-25 | Puriri Titus Helga | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-37 | Puriri Titus Samantha | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-4 | Puriri Nucleus Sudan ET | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-49 | Puriri Titus Oggle | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-50 | Puriri Quartet Patsy | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-54 | Puriri Linden Olive | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-75 | Puriri Kirkwood Justine JG | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-77 | Puriri Titus Drew | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-80 | Puriri Nucleus Nymph JG | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CGCR-22-92 | Puriri Oganeev Joey | Wilson Farms Ltd |
CPBX-22-20 | Milnes 22-20 | Cape Fear Limited |
CPBX-22-43 | Milnes 22-43 | Cape Fear Limited |
CPBX-22-44 | Milnes 22-44 S3J | Cape Fear Limited |
CVJW-22-45 | Evleen Berkly Annleise | E & S Smeath |
CVJW-22-48 | Evleen Superman Samara | E & S Smeath |
CVJW-22-51 | Evleen Berkly Kareena | E & S Smeath |
CVJW-22-7 | Evleen Berkly Loley | E & S Smeath |
CVXR-22-1 | Linan Mega Faith | Megaw Family Trust |
CWXQ-22-75 | Ngatea Super Tillie | Pirie Farms Ltd |
CWXQ-22-8 | Ngatea LGD Finest | Pirie Farms Ltd |
DJFX-22-32 | Glen Kaycee CA Kallie JG P | Kaycee Farms Ltd |
DJFX-22-49 | Glen Kaycee Quintana Six | Kaycee Farms Ltd |
DJFX-22-88 | Glen Kaycee Gislevs Skye | Kaycee Farms Ltd |
DRPY-22-50 | Somerton Nucleus Marg | Somerton Jerseys Ltd |
DTJJ-22-62 | Glenui Superman Hope | Goreland Partnership |
DTJJ-22-84 | Glenui Banff Limore | Goreland Partnership |
FMHM-22-12 | Lynrich Decorum Enara JG S3J | RL & CL Lansdaal |
FMHM-22-15 | Lynrich Denver Annalee JG | RL & CL Lansdaal |
FXHN-22-4 | Kahanui Amps Miranda | Kahanui Farms |
GFNM-22-1 | Cawdor CMM Shelbi ET | Cawdor Jerseys |
GXVN-22-14 | New Creek 22-14 | New Creek Jerseys Ltd |
GXVN-22-15 | New Creek 22-15 | New Creek Jerseys Ltd |
HGR-22-2 | Karaka Carrick Julie | Karaka Jerseys Limited |
HGR-22-23 | Karaka Carrick Lona | Karaka Jerseys Limited |
HGR-22-69 | Karaka Carrick Lana | Karaka Jerseys Limited |
HXJJ-22-109 | Glencolbe 22-109 | C & B Jensen |
HXJJ-22-111 | Glencolbe 22-111 | C & B Jensen |
HXJJ-22-150 | Glencolbe 22-150 | C & B Jensen |
HXJJ-22-174 | Glencolbe RLB Tina Turner | C & B Jensen |
HXJJ-22-176 | Glencolbe 22-176 | C & B Jensen |
HXJJ-22-179 | Glencolbe 22-179 JG | C & B Jensen |
HXJJ-22-25 | Glencolbe 22-25 | C & B Jensen |
HXJJ-22-56 | Glencolbe 22-56 S3J | C & B Jensen |
HXJJ-22-92 | Glencolbe 22-92 | C & B Jensen |
HXJJ-22-97 | Glencolbe PKC Heart | C & B Jensen |
HXJJ-22-99 | Glencolbe 22-99 | C & B Jensen |
JHFW-22-20 | Waiokura Shiraz | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd |
JHFW-22-38 | Waiokura 22-38 | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd |
JHFW-22-41 | Waiokura Gertie | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd |
JHFW-22-46 | Waiokura Connie S1J | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd |
JHFW-22-5 | Waiokura 22-5 | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd |
JHFW-22-69 | Waiokura Brandy | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd |
KGTW-22-283 | Jersey Haven Kai Quila | Jersey Haven |
LDJX-22-140 | Freydan Berkly Paris | DJ & FJ Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-22-4 | Freydan Jeet Bracetta JG | DJ & FJ Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-22-6 | Freydan Tenor Simone | Leadamoo Farming |
LDJX-22-79 | Freydan Titus Macey S3J | DJ & FJ Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-22-89 | Freydan Jeet Bracey JG | DJ & FJ Lynch Ltd |
LMCY-22-11 | Ellison Jman Elana JG | R & G Ellison |
LMCY-22-13 | Ellison Carrick Ella | R & G Ellison |
LMCY-22-15 | Ellison Baxter Neve S3J | R & G Ellison |
LMCY-22-2 | Ellison BCD Susie JG | R & G Ellison |
LMCY-22-51 | Ellison Carrick Aster | R & G Ellison |
LMCY-22-58 | Ellison Oneev Elfin | R & G Ellison |
LMCY-22-59 | Ellison Carrick Jasmen | R & G Ellison |
LMCY-22-6 | Ellison PKC Chasta | R & G Ellison |
LMCY-22-63 | Ellison Carrick Jasmine | R & G Ellison |
LMCY-22-71 | Ellison Gibson Cara JG | R & G Ellison |
LMCY-22-76 | Ellison Hoss Kaycee | R & G Ellison |
MNPX-22-54 | Wee Burn Nuc Tessa S3J | G P S 2007 Ltd |
MPDW-22-161 | Plateau Lincoln Olaf S3J | Alford Forest Dairies Ltd |
QNHX-22-123 | Kahiwi SCJ Rosie ET | Mills Farm Ltd |
QNHX-22-25 | Kahiwi 22-25 | Mills Farm Ltd |
QNHX-22-27 | Kahiwi 22-27 S3J | Mills Farm Ltd |
QNHX-22-4 | No name | Mills Farm Ltd |
QNHX-22-43 | Kahiwi Lennox Minty S3J | Mills Farm Ltd |
QNHX-22-64 | Kahiwi 22-64 | Mills Farm Ltd |
QNHX-22-98 | Kahiwi 22-98 | Mills Farm Ltd |
QNHX-22-99 | Kahiwi 22-99 | Mills Farm Ltd |
QPPC-22-121 | Rockland AP Bailey P JG | Rockland Farms |
QPPC-22-124 | Rockland LN Lara JG | Rockland Farms |
QPPC-22-206 | Rockland 22-206 JG | Rockland Farms |
TRGL-22-6 | Lowkeel Berkly Bliss | D Charteris |
VFL-22-49 | Wee Burn Berkly Paula S3J | G & P Wilson |
VFL-22-9 | Wee Burn Titus Paula S3J | G & P Wilson |
WWM-22-89 | Wairakau Parkway Dee JG | Wairakau Farm Trust No 1 |
2024 Team (2023-born)
Matings – 2024 and 2025
Calvings – 2025 and 2026
Graduation – 2026
The 2024 Team have received sire recommendations and mating agreements. Females and males from these matings will automatically be put forward for the JerseyGenome™ programme or CRV bull selection. These animals will graduate in 2026.
ID | Animal name | Owner |
BKGC-23-42 | Gralyn 23-42 | Gralyn Farm No 1, G & V Robinson |
BKGC-23-80 | Gralyn 23-80 | Gralyn Farm No 1, G & V Robinson |
BYFK-23-169 | Foxton 23-169 | Huzziff Farms Ltd – B & M Huzziff |
CGCR-23-104 | Puriri Mistique Felicity | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGCR-23-112 | Puriri Vulcan Susan | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGCR-23-114 | Puriri Banff Heidi | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGCR-23-126 | Puriri Striker Serenity | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGCR-23-19 | Puriri Vulcan Isobel | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGCR-23-26 | Puriri Brisbane Maxine | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGCR-23-41 | Puriri Montage Belle | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGCR-23-42 | Puriri Doctor Paris S3J | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGCR-23-71 | Puriri Banff Dickson S2J | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGCR-23-87 | Puriri Fellow Daisy | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGCR-23-95 | Puriri Vulcan Joan | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGCR-23-97 | Puriri Hallmark Gemini S1J | Wilson Farms Ltd, S & N Wilson |
CGLY-23-9 | Northern Muffin S3J | Northerly Farms Limited – K & L Christensen |
CKQT-23-97 | CKQT-23-97 S2J | JJJ Farms Ltd – G Davie |
CWXQ-23-111 | Ngatea Kaeleigh Love | Pirie Farms Ltd, B & J Pirie |
CWXQ-23-15 | Ngatea Mistique Frizz S3J | Pirie Farms Ltd, B & J Pirie |
CWXQ-23-17 | Ngatea Banff Winnie | Pirie Farms Ltd, B & J Pirie |
CWXQ-23-201 | Ngatea Banff Delta S2J | Pirie Farms Ltd, B & J Pirie |
CWXQ-23-21 | Ngatea Mistique Fran S3J | Pirie Farms Ltd, B & J Pirie |
CWXQ-23-242 | Ngatea Egl Pippa S3J | Pirie Farms Ltd, B & J Pirie |
CWXQ-23-33 | Ngatea Marco Pride | Pirie Farms Ltd, B & J Pirie |
CWXQ-23-88 | Ngatea Bgc Noon | Pirie Farms Ltd, B & J Pirie |
DFYL-23-92 | Tironui 23-92 S2J | Ede Investments Ltd – M Gibb |
DJFX-23-106 | Glen Kaycee Skyhigh Birdy | Kaycee Farms Ltd, K & C Tucker |
DJFX-23-116 | Glen Kaycee Titus Juggles | Kaycee Farms Ltd, K & C Tucker |
DJFX-23-12 | Glen Kaycee Gibson Brooke | Kaycee Farms Ltd, K & C Tucker |
DJFX-23-13 | Glen Kaycee LRS Beretta | Kaycee Farms Ltd, K & C Tucker |
DJFX-23-133 | Glen Kaycee AA Dianna -P | Kaycee Farms Ltd, K & C Tucker |
DJFX-23-179 | Glen Kaycee Lamar Oceania | Kaycee Farms Ltd, K & C Tucker |
DJFX-23-3 | Glen Kaycee Langford Rewa | Kaycee Farms Ltd, K & C Tucker |
DJFX-23-46 | Glen Kaycee Dans Perin -P | Kaycee Farms Ltd, K & C Tucker |
DJFX-23-48 | Glen Kaycee AA Cola -P | Kaycee Farms Ltd, K & C Tucker |
DJFX-23-7 | Glen Kaycee Skamps Ali -P | Kaycee Farms Ltd, K & C Tucker |
DJFX-23-99 | Glen Kaycee HL Babylon -P | Kaycee Farms Ltd, K & C Tucker |
DMPN-23-120 | Malibu Bravado Teardrop | Malibu Jerseys, H Dimock |
DMPN-23-164 | Malibu Kowhai Stitch S3J | Malibu Jerseys, H Dimock |
DTJJ-23-50 | Glenui Burnley Lottie | Goreland Partnership, T & L Landers |
DTJJ-23-61 | Glenui 1stclass Jackie S3J | Goreland Partnership, T & L Landers |
DTJJ-23-94 | Glenui Titus Loucille S3J | Goreland Partnership, T & L Landers |
FMHM-23-10 | Lynrich Brisb Skylor | R F & C L Lansdaal Ltd |
FMHM-23-100 | Lynrich Montage Christa | R F & C L Lansdaal Ltd |
FMHM-23-110 | Lynrich Horatio Haylee | R F & C L Lansdaal Ltd |
FMHM-23-140 | Lynrich Lanford Billie | R F & C L Lansdaal Ltd |
FMHM-23-149 | Lynrich Langford Raise S3J | R F & C L Lansdaal Ltd |
FMHM-23-21 | Lynrich Super Holly | R F & C L Lansdaal Ltd |
FMHM-23-28 | Lynrich Montage Anika | R F & C L Lansdaal Ltd |
FMHM-23-30 | Lynrich Tao Vino | R F & C L Lansdaal Ltd |
FMHM-23-36 | Lynrich Dandi Yang | R F & C L Lansdaal Ltd |
FMHM-23-6 | Lynrich Summit Toni | R F & C L Lansdaal Ltd |
FMHM-23-67 | Lynrich Litigator Jill | R F & C L Lansdaal Ltd |
GDVN-23-41 | Shemariah Lazer Rapelle P | Shemariah Farms Ltd, R & J Mills |
HGR-23-12 | Karaka Rebels Queenie | Karaka Jerseys Limited, C & J Turner |
HGR-23-38 | Karaka Supermans Queen | Karaka Jerseys Limited, C & J Turner |
HJPN-23-15 | Benworth DCR Loie S2J | Benworth Ltd, K Bennett & N Brinkworth |
JHFW-23-1 | Waiokura Hobson | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd, H Mead |
JHFW-23-2 | Waiokura Mia S3J | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd, H Mead |
JHFW-23-4 | Waiokura Lady Whistledown | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd, H Mead |
JHFW-23-47 | Waiokura Camenbert | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd, H Mead |
JHFW-23-64 | Waiokura Thursday | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd, H Mead |
JHFW-23-70 | Waiokura Dorothy | Dairy Glenn Farm Ltd, H Mead |
KRDQ-23-42 | Eastgate 23-42 S2J | Lilyvale Farms Limited, T & R Little |
LCRF-23-59 | Lockhart Alliance Welly | Benjamin Burmeister Trust |
LDJX-23-105 | Freydan Nucleus Trisha | D J & F J Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-23-107 | Freydan Skyhigh Star | D J & F J Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-23-135 | Freydan Cruden Falcetta | D J & F J Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-23-16 | Freydan Cruden Bailey-ET | D J & F J Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-23-25 | Freydan Mondale Alwayss | D J & F J Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-23-26 | Freydan Banff Reta | D J & F J Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-23-34 | Freydan Cruden Brianna | D J & F J Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-23-37 | Freydan Fellow Penny | D J & F J Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-23-60 | Freydan Oganeev Glow | D J & F J Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-23-91 | Freydan Duke Barb | D J & F J Lynch Ltd |
LDJX-23-99 | Freydan Titus Tulip S3J | D J & F J Lynch Ltd |
LMCY-23-94 | Ellison LRN Elaina | R & G Ellison |
QLGJ-23-4 | QLGJ-23-4 S2J | C & D Giles |
QLGJ-23-5 | QLGJ-23-5 S2J | C & D Giles |
RMLD-23-49 | Sunrise 23-49 S2J | Higham Dairies, F & H Higham |
TBDJ-23-106 | Gayleywood Leon Diamomd | Gayleywood Farms Ltd, G, M & J Wallace |
TBDJ-23-32 | Gayleywood Leon Phillipa | Gayleywood Farms Ltd, G, M & J Wallace |
TBDJ-23-88 | Gayleywood Leon Jazz | Gayleywood Farms Ltd, G, M & J Wallace |
TGRC-23-13 | Abba Park Linden Lolly | Abba Park, S Park & N Upson |
TGRC-23-34 | Abba Park 23-34 | Abba Park, S Park & N Upson |
TGRC-23-42 | Abba Park Reward Olwyn | Abba Park, S Park & N Upson |
TXWK-23-62 | Maplefern NC Angel S3J | Maple Fern Jerseys Limited, M & A Dobson |
TWCR-23-17 | Te Rangi Nucleus Helen P | J & A Dibble |
WWM-23-54 | Wairakau Larkin Java S2J | Waikatland Trust, N & A Lawry |
2025 Team (2024-born)
Matings – 2025 and 2026
Calvings – 2026 and 2027
Graduation – 2028
While we will be identifying animals collaboratively with CRV and through our top cow report in February, we still ask members for nominations. We are now taking your nominations for the 2025 JerseyGenome™ Team. Please follow the following steps:
Nominate and DNA sample your animals by 10th January 2025
- Download and complete the Genotype Request form below
- Take a wet tissue sample and ensure each DNA sample corresponds with the barcode on the side of each unit
- Places samples in a ziplock bag before placing in an envelope
- Post to JerseyNZ, PO Box 1132, Hamilton 3240 or courier to JerseyNZ, Level 1, 290 Tristram Street, Hamilton 3204
Please ensure you include the Genotype Request Sub Form —–> LINK TO PDF