Special Awards 2024
16 May 2024 – Novotel Hotel, Rotorua
Mr & Mrs J W Singers Efficiency Scroll – Steve Ireland
Presented to the person who has done the most or been the most active in promoting & publicising the Jersey breed and the Association. The award covers all phases of a breeder’s activities including testing, showing, breed promotion and administration.
The Board of Jersey NZ are delighted to nominate Mr Steven Ireland for the Mr & Mrs JW Singers Efficiency Scroll.
A third generation Jersey breeder, Steve is passionate about genetics and takes the view that the changing dairy industry landscape presents many opportunities, rather than threats for the Jersey breed.
Over more than 25 years Steve and his wife Nina, and the Lynbrook stud has bred over 140 Jersey bulls, many of which have progressed into the LIC Premier Sires teams or CRV or Samen bull teams. The most well-known Lynbrook Terrific ET S3J has produced over 30800 daughters, and has been inducted into the LIC bull Hall of Fame in 2018
Steve joined the JerseyNZ Board in 2015, and took on the role of Genetics committee convenor. Around that time JerseyNZ and LIC collaborated to form Jersey Future, a joint sire proving programme which continues to successfully supply young Genomic bulls for the benefit of JerseyNZ members. The success of Jersey Future continues, and in 2024 five bulls are included in either the LIC Jersey Forward Pack or Sexed teams, with a further 3 bulls available through nominated. Steve continues as convenor of the Genetics committee, even though he is no longer on the JerseyNZ Board.
Steve continues to evolve his breeding programmes by using a small amount of overseas Danish and US semen, and has more recently used Polled bulls, to diversify his breeding objectives.
Steve is actively involved with the Farmer Advisory Panel for NZAEL, a group of invited farmers which was formed out of the original NZAEL user group. This panel advises the NZAEL Board with information relating to the make-up of BW, and helps provide a strong farmer input to any changes to BW and the under lying BVs, which will continue to have a profound influence on the profitability of all New Zealand’s dairy farmers.
Based on Steve’s knowledge, expertise and passion for the Jersey cow, the JerseyNZ Board have no hesitation in presenting this award.

Cyril Dermer Cup – Alison Gibb
Outstanding services to the Jersey breed and JerseyNZ
In recognition of outstanding services to the breed and the Association
Nominated and presented by the JerseyNZ board for activities over the preceding twelve months.
This year the board has awarded the Cyril Dermer Cup to Alison Gibb.
Alison has been a determined and dedicated champion of the Jersey Breed, not only in her own farming business, but within her community, nationally and internationally.
Alison has been the driving force in the Lower Waikato Jersey Club, ensuring it is a thriving club, with plenty of activities organised on a monthly basis.
She joined the JerseyNZ board in 2016, being elected as President, and as reported in the Farmers Weekly in June 2016, she certainly helped lead the board to develop a strategy underpinning the Jersey NZ business model and delivering growth and sustainability.
In 2008 Alison and Russell attended their first World Conference trip, since then Alison has contributed to the World Jersey Cattle Bureau. She has been Treasurer of the Bureau and is currently the Vice President of Oceania.
Alisons other passion is to lift understanding of leadership and governance. The JerseyNZ Governance Development programme is enabling young people to learn and experience governance in a safe environment. There are limited opportunities to develop these skills, and JerseyNZ members should be proud of the work that Alison has done in developing future leaders.
The award is to recognise the efforts over the preceding 12 months, Alison gives to the Jersey breed every day certainly far more than the last 12 months, so this award is deserved many years over, and I’m sure Alison isn’t prepared to stop just yet.
Distinguished Members Award – n/a
George Henry Dawick Memorial Cup – n/a
Honorary Life Membership – n/a
Special Awards 2023
Distinguished Members Award – Rob & Alison Thwaites
Mr & Mrs J W Singers Efficiency Scroll – Roger Ellison
Cyril Dermer Cup – Ross Riddell
George Henry Dawick Memorial Cup – Mark & Diane Townshend
Honorary Life Membership – David Ireland
Nominations for the next George Henry Darwick Memorial Cup winner can be be submitted below:
George Henry Dawick Memorial Cup Nomination