+64 7 856 0731
MIRODALE JERSEYS – Complete Dispersal
Sale Date: 3rd October 2019 ( Payment Deferred Til’ 20th November 2019 )
Sale Time: 11:30am sharp
Vendor: AR ( Russell ) Thomson
Contact: 027 600 2959
Sale Address: 145 Judge Road, Rotoorangi, OCD 619
Luncheon includes gluten free sausages and patties.
REGISTER TO WIN: Register at sale with NO OBLIGATION and you are in the draw to win a crisp $100 bill to treat ya’selves.
- Herd of JERSEY & JERSEY/X being milked once a day on system one with walks up to 1.4kms and looking for some good new homes.
- Herd will be sold in pairs with the bidder having the option to take the pick or pair.
- Paired in similar age indexes.
- All Mycoplasma Bovis and bvd negative
- A 3gp catalogue will ONLY be posted upon request so please email or phone/text with your postal details and it will be in your mailboxes September.
- A standard LIC catalogue will be available on saleday with A2A2 status on individual cows.
- Variety of genetics available to view, have pre-ordered “no climate change” for saleday just a standard warm sunny spring day.
- Any inquiries most welcomed.
R1s and this years four day old heifer calves have already been sold
Agent in Charge: Kelly Higgins – 027 600 2374